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Nigel Mohammed


Updated: Nov 23



In Blog #4 I mentioned that there is nothing in human life that does not belong to the created order. Everything is creational. There are many creational Structures but only 2 Directions-

This means that Human beings are either oriented TOWARD God through His Grace as shown in the Redemption of Jesus Christ in His Death and Resurrection.

Or they are oriented AWAY from God because of the fallen nature that they have inherited from Adam as Romans 5v12-21 shows.

And in Blog #5 I pointed out that the Four Fold Alienation that we need to grasp is the complex and profound meaning and the ramifications of this 4 fold alienation in Genesis 3v7-24.

Beyond the mere fact of this 4 fold alienation, a key point is the way these alienations interweave, interconnect, and mutually reinforce each other.

Firstly, Alienation from the Creator God (Genesis 3v1-9) led to three other kinds of alienation.

Secondly, Internal alienation within each person-alienation from oneself, for to know ourselves truly, we have to know God (Genesis 3v7-12, 16-19).

Thirdly, alienation between Humans (relational and national conflict) as well as the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the woman (Genesis 3v15-16)

Fourthly, alienation from and within nature or creation (Genesis 3v17-19).

These are the spiritual, psychological, social and environmental alienations that afflict the whole human family and have done ever since Eden. All these divisions result from sin and all of them distort God's good purpose in creation.

We need to be able to grasp the complex and profound ramifications of this 4 fold alienation.


There are many Structures in Creation, but only 2 Directions as Romans 1v25 points out.

Romans 1v18-3v20 is the first section in Romans after the initial introduction in v1-17.

Chapter 1 is about the 'Wrath of Abandonment' where God says three times that 'He gave them over' in v24, 26 & 28 to face the consequences of the lusts of their hearts, which is basically idolatry.

The verse in 1v25 means that nothing is neutral in all creation, human beings either worship the Creator God or they worship the creature. The word 'Culture' from Latin means 'cultus' meaning worship.

Therefore the kind of culture that human beings build will reveal what or who they worship. In other words the culture will reveal in its Institutions especially, the reality of the truth of the one true Creator God or the particular idols that it worships.

By 'Exchanging the truth of God for the lie and worshipping the creature rather than the Creator' any culture will reveal its foundation of Paganism, which in turn will lead to cultural decay as Romans 1 shows clearly, in particular v29-32

Paganism basically rejects any belief in a Creator and defines Reality from Nature alone because there is no Creator God or a Transcendent realm. It also rejects the opposites that God has put into creation.

So in Paganism, there is no Creator and creation distinction, no heaven and earth distinction and no Male & Female distinction.

The physical world is all there is. Of course this means that the Secularism of Western culture is therefore a form of Paganism, because 'All of reality is only physical'.

You just need to observe the ways that Western Governments in particular has redefined God's creational structures of Male & Female as the Image of God,

Marriage, and the Family.

Also a key question is whether the Church historically has been faithful to not only the Great Commission but also the Creation Mandate.

If Governments in Western culture have redefined God's creational structures for creation, in the laws that they pass, the inevitable Direction that the culture then moves in is AWAY from the one true Creator God into a form of Paganism/Humanism across the entire spectrum of its institutions.

The redefining of God’s creational structures such as the complementary distinctions of Male/Female in particular, Marriage, Family, and also Government in terms of how it is called to function by the Creator are directly related to two major themes that run throughout the Scriptures: 

Identity and Idolatry.

We were created in the Image and likeness of the one true eternal Triune Creator God to 'be fruitful, multiply, subdue and have dominion'. To develop the Garden into a God glorifying culture as kings and priests of creation that we might rule with righteousness over the Earth.

As a result of the Cosmic Fall in Genesis 3 and the 4 fold alienation that resulted, Idolatry subverted our true Identity and we became self centred rather than God centred. These two themes of Identity and Idolatry are fundamental to the Question 'What is wrong with the world'? which is an ultimate Worldview Question.


For more information on the decline of Western Culture: The Four Horsemen Documentary is worth looking at.


Remember ever since Eden, fallen humanity defines ‘Good and Evil’ for themselves, including redefining God and therefore makes up Reality through his own interpretation of it. This is called Idolatry

The above documentary shows how the richest people known as the Global Elite covet 'Dominion' of the whole world and where it is heading.

In terms of the Direction that Western Culture is moving in the 21st century, Patrick Wood, a Christian whose main area of expertise of Technocracy reveals how this Global Elite by merging Science and Technology are moving in a very dark Direction indeed....toward a Technocracy and Transhumanism.

In his book 'Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global transformation' he discusses the roots of Technocracy from the 1930s.


Alexander Solzhenitisyn a Russian Christian who suffered terribly during the Bolshevik Revolution under Stalin in the Russian Gulags, who lived in Exile in the West for many years in America, put the bottom line problem of Western culture very simply: 'WE HAVE FORGOTTEN GOD, THAT IS WHY ALL THIS HAS HAPPENED'

 Globalism and the Great Reset

The world has been characterised by chaos and confusion since March 2020- Confusion reveals the spirit of Babylon because Babel means ‘confusion’. Ephesians 6v10-18 is a clear passage of the spiritual war we are in and reveals the satanic hierarchy-

The spirit and principality of Babylon is clearly at work in the world.

Key Point:

We must not be SILENT LIKE ADAM in Genesis 3v6b. We must move and speak into the confusion according to our conscience.

  • The serpent holds out to them the prize of knowledge. In other words, to take of this Tree is the path to knowledge-

  • The serpent was effectively saying ‘Be your own god’ by determining Good and Evil for yourselves. They came into agreement with the serpents lie of what was Good and what was Evil.

So immediately after the Fall, there is murder and from that point, humankind defines what is Good and what is Evil for itself.

The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:

In Genesis 9v25-27 Noah cursed Canaan because of what Ham had done to him. Canaan was the grandfather of Nimrod. It seems that deep resentment of this curse came down the family line and was reversed profoundly with Nimrod.

  It was as if Nimrod said ‘Instead of receiving this curse of being a servant to other people, I will rule over all people’. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel.

  At the Tower of Babel, God separated the nations into distinct nations with distinct languages. Globalism seeks to unite the nations under a World Government and a world leader and a one world Global religion.

  Globalism is therefore antithetical and in rebellion to the Creator God. This is the spirit of Babylon.

  In the Table of Nations in Genesis 10, 70 nations can be observed from the 3 sons of Noah- Shem, Ham and Japheth. notes there are 30 nations from Ham, 26 from Shem and 14 from Japheth. Every nation on earth can trace their roots back to these 70 nations in Genesis 10.

  Babel/Babylon means the forces of confusion. Forces that want to divide and tear apart the family, marriages, Governments, humanity, nations reveal the spirit of Babylon.

  It is revealed in anything which DIS-INTEGRATES and results in chaos, in particular through the power of speech and language under the leadership of Nimrod.

  All satanic occult religions can be traced back to Egypt and Babylon including Freemasonry which came out of the Jewish Kabbalah in Babylon from 586bc

  As noted above- this reveals that the confusion in the world since March 2020 is that the spirit of Babylon is at work.

  Acts 17v26 And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories.

  In Genesis 11 Humanity tries to unite through the same language in rebellion against God.

This means that national boundaries are creational. Therefore a Globalist One World Government that does away with national boundaries and national sovereignty-is rebellion against the Creator God.

Then in Genesis 12 God focuses on one man and from him, every nation, tribe, tongue and people will be truly united in Christ through the Gospel.

Key point: This is the only way for humanity to be united- and that is by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross of Calvary to crush the head of the serpent (Genesis 3v15) and to fulfil all the OT Covenants.

Patrick Wood in his book ‘Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation’ makes some interesting points in Appendix 1 at the end of the book entitled ‘Transforming Christianity’. In relation to the Tower of Babel he says


As they strategized on how to build a tower all the way to Heaven, they discovered a new technique for building tall structures. Whereas rocks and mud had been used previously, now uniformly fired bricks and tar would prove to be far superior.

Simplistic as this sounds, it was a new technology to them and one so exciting to them that they were deceived into thinking they could actually build that tower right into Heaven

He continues…My only point here is to point out the connection between technology and a common language that apparently enabled their rebellion.

The Trans-human dream is no less than to escape the laws of sin and death and to assume qualities reserved for God, such as omniscience, omnipotence, eternality etc…And the language used to construct this modern-day Tower of Babel? It is digital’ (UNQUOTE)

Digital language he says is the new common language spoken by those who would build a modern Tower of Babel (ie Transhumanism) to displace God in the same manner as the account in Genesis 11.

Key point:

New Technology as in Mass Surveillance, Drone technology, Digital language, digital technology and digital currency all relate to the modern Tower of Babel being pursued by the Global elite.

In Genesis 11v4 at the Tower of Babel, a united humanity declared ‘Come let us build a city for ourselves’. God said ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them or be impossible for them’. In v7 God says ‘Come Let Us’ go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech’.

A united humanity at the Tower of Babel declared ‘Come let us build’ and God responded with ‘Come Let Us go down….To judge and confuse and scatter them.

The leaders of the world since March 2020 have been declaring ‘Let us build back better’ and this can only result in God’s Judgment.

The following Quote is taken from TruthXchange- a Christian Think Tank in the United States.

Pam Frost is a researcher and speaker for TruthXchange and her main topic of research is Globalism.

She was interviewed on the subject of ‘Globalism and the Great Reset’.

Pam Frost asks a Question:

'What does it mean that nothing will be impossible for them- because God is the only One who is Omnipotent and all powerful and all knowing?

She answers:


‘A united Pagan humanity working together as one on the earth, with no boundaries of the depth of evil to which they would go. It was an act of preservation and protection that God confused the languages. So God scattered them throughout the earth and drew boundaries around them as nations’

However, God’s purpose in the Gospel is that He would redeem a portion of humanity from every tribe, tongue, nation and people. ONLY IN CHRIST would humanity become One in Him, but he does not eliminate our cultural and language distinctions. So God separated the nations for a redemptive and protective purpose.

But Globalism seeks to undo all of the national distinctions and uniqueness of nations to reunite the nations under a One World Global Government with a one world leader.

Totalitarian, dictatorial, authoritarian, Communitarian under a one world united religion. This is Globalism in a nutshell’. (UNQUOTE) Pam Frost (

Communitarian is the merging of both the political Left and the political Right. It is also known as 'Hegel's Dialetic' or Problem- Reaction-Solution.


Thesis (Communism)

Anti-thesis (Capitalism)

Synthesis (Communitarian)

Romans chapter 1- Humanity without God

Romans chapter 1 is one of the most, if not THE most penetrating and most accurate description of human beings without God.


1v21-22 shows how human beings came to be in this position.

For even though they knew God, they did not honour Him as God or give thanks, they became futile in their thinking (reasoning) and their foolish heart was darkened’.

The fall of man began IN THE MIND and this is where the downward spiral begins:

In the way people THINK without the Spirit of God.

When this passage speaks of human beings as foolish, it does not just mean they are foolish only in a religious sense. It means that all human beings including human cultures have interpreted all of reality in a way that is

Futile, Foolish and Dark.

Romans 1v18-32 applies to not just the original Fall of man in the Garden of Eden- It speaks of ANY period in human history when humanity knew the truth of the one true and living God and deliberately rejected it.

The Question then becomes:

What should our perspective be as we observe our own contemporary culture in light of Romans chapter 1?

There is only ONE perspective we can have of Western Culture today- which is not just a Post-Christian culture but an ANTI-Christian culture

Western Culture is under the wrath of God

For example, these are just 4 areas that have resulted in a Culture of Death.

  1. Birth- The comprehensive practice of abortion- THE DEATH OF BABIES- In the Bible the god of Molech which is also Baal, demands child sacrifice- the fallen angel Lucifer aka satan, apollyon the devil is obviously behind this idol called Molech.

  2. Male & Female as different biologically- Transgenderism-THE DEATH OF GENDER

  3. Marriage- Same-sex marriage- THE DEATH OF PROCREATION


Romans 1v18-32 reveals one of the forms of God's Judgment on rebellious humanity. 3 times in this chapter, in v24; 26 and 28 God says He 'GAVE THEM OVER'. From the original Greek 'Depraved' means rejected. In other words, the final 'Giving Over' of the Wrath of Abandonment.

Romans 1v25 says they ‘Exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator’.

Humanism, Paganism, and a depraved mind.

This verse shows us that there is NOTHING NEUTRAL in all creation. Human beings will either worship the one true Creator God or they will worship the creation or something within creation.

By 'Exchanging the truth of God for the lie and worshipping the creature rather than the Creator' any human culture will reveal its foundation of Paganism.

This in turn will lead to cultural decay as Romans 1 shows clearly, in particular v29-32 because human rebellion against the one true Creator God always starts in the mind.

Paganised Humanism

After the Three-fold ‘God giving them over’ in v24, 26 and finally in v28 of Romans chapter 1- God gave them over to a depraved mind’. So in 1v29-32 God shows us the characteristics of a depraved or debased mind.

In other words, the MIND has been given over and this is where Western culture is at and has been for a long time.

When the minds of the leaders of human Government become depraved through rejecting the Word of God-and actually legislate to dismantle the creational norms that the Creator God has put into Creation which He declared to be ‘very good’ (Genesis 1v31)....

....The inevitable outcome is a culture of decay and a culture of death through the State becoming a fundamental form of both Totalitarianism and Paganised Humanism.

In other words, a Totalitarian Paganised Humanist State becomes deified. It replaces the Eternal God as the only source of ultimate authority on all of life.

The kind of culture that human beings build will reveal what or who they worship. In other words the culture will reveal in its Institutions especially, the reality of the truth of the one true Creator God or the particular idols that it worships.

The Almighty and Everlasting Creator God or idols? There is no neutral ground at all in all creation.

If Governments in Western culture have redefined God's creational structures for creation, in the laws that they pass, the inevitable Direction that the culture then moves in is AWAY from the one true Creator God into a form of Paganism/Humanism across the entire spectrum of its institutions as I have already highlighted.

The redefining of God’s creational structures such as the complementary distinctions of Male/Female in particular, Marriage, Family, and Government etc as noted above, in terms of how it is called to function by the Creator are directly related to two major themes that run throughout the Scriptures:

Identity and Idolatry.

Battles that the Church/Ekklesia has faced in history:


  • The Early Church: Christology- the Person of Jesus Christ and the union of His two natures as Fully God and Fully Human

  • The Reformation: Soteriology- Are we saved ONLY by the Grace of God alone or are we able to co-operate with the Grace of God by 'Choosing to give our lives to Christ'?

  • 21st Century: Anthropology- What does it mean to be Human? This is the main fundamental battle that God's people are in today.

  • In a talk by John Stonestreet of the Colson Centre for a Christian Worldview with the title:

  • 'The Image Restored- The Gospel in a Culture of Identity Crisis'.

I have said that the Number 1 Quest of our culture is 'What does it mean to be Human'?

Genesis 1v26-28- Clarify the disruption in the narrative of Genesis 1v26 after the 8x Let There Be's to create order and structure out of the Formlessness, Chaos and Darkness of Genesis 1v2

God spoke the Universe into existence out of nothing by His Word, but when He created man, he sculpted them by His hands and His breath unlike anything else in all creation.

Human beings are created in the Image of the Triune God according to His Likeness. It means we are His Masterpiece. We have the ability to create, worship, reason, communicate, choose, relate, think, feel, and are capable of love and are responsible for our actions (Genesis 1v26-28; 2v7,21-22; Psalm 8v5)


Globalism is inseparable from Transhumanism and Technocracy is basically fallen mankind worshipping itself. It is the culmination and the ‘eschaton’ of Evolution where humans merge with machine to be immortal. This is the End Game of the Evil One.

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