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Life-Quest Course

Nigel Mohammed

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

My name is Nigel Mohammed. I run a course called Life-Quest at a local Community Hub called ‘Pause Community Hub’ in West Worthing, West Sussex, UK. I am also connected to The Agape Mission International ( based in Kathmandu, Nepal. I have been involved with them in an equipping capacity for ten years, along with my wife Esther. The Agape Mission International is a grassroots networking and partnering mission and works with women and children at risk as well as leadership development.

The Life-Quest Course takes an honest look at our story, the experiences and people that have shaped us, the key turning points in our story.

It also explores the story we are living in now and what God’s Larger Story is about, the Epic Story of Redemption that He is continuing to tell. We all have a crucial role to play in God’s Larger Story, but so often we miss it. Why is that? That is what Life-Quest is about, to dig a bit deeper into why some people miss their calling and settle for the status quo of just getting by.

The foundation for this course is our Threefold calling as human beings and as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Call to Belong (Communion) the Call to Be (Community Building) and the Call to Do (Co-Creativity).  Each week penetrating questions are used, as well as various strategies and resources to explore the deep themes in your story in order to gain clarity about who you are in your uniqueness and what the deep passion of your heart is so that you can connect and live in His Larger Story.

Additional Courses

How Should We Then Live? Francis Shaeffer

‘How Should We Then Live’ is Francis Shaeffer’s DVD series on the rise and decline of Western Culture. ‘Dr Shaeffer’s brilliant analysis of the past and predictions for the current trends have proven so uncannily accurate that is amazing series still feels contemporary decades after its initial release. Each episode focuses on a significant era, yet speaks clearly to 21st century man with answers to modern problems’.

There is a study guide that goes with this DVD series. First we will listen to the 30 minute session, then discuss it by using the study guide. We are to ‘Redeem the time because the days are evil’ and one way we can do this is to take time to understand the times in which we live, in other words become deeply acquainted with the ‘spirit of the age’ so as to not assimilate or accommodate it but to engage with persuasion based on the objective truth of Creation, Holy Scripture and Jesus Christ.   Email me at:

The Transforming Story-

The Transforming Story is about the Biblical Worldview & Understanding the Times in which we live. The Breadth of God's Story is Creation-Fall-Redemption and Consummation. The Breadth of God's Story is like the box cover to a jigsaw puzzle. You can only complete a jigsaw puzzle by observing the big picture on the box cover. This is how we know if a belief system corresponds with reality. We also need to understand the Depth of the Story- this is the Meaning of the Story.

For example: What does it mean to be a Human Being?

What is the nature of Work? What is the nature of History? Questions of a Worldview create a mental framework. The Apostle Paul speaks of strongholds of the mind in 2 Corinthians 10v3-5. These mental stronghold enslave and impoverish people because they don’t understand that to be ‘Made in the Image of a relational God’ means that God holds all human beings responsible for how they treat other human beings.

All Human beings have been made to live within the context of this Story. When people live within the context of God’s Story we live within the context of reality in the way that it really is. God's Story begins in Genesis chapter 1 and the creation of human beings in the Image of the Triune God is foundational to the rest of the Bible. To ignore or pay lip service to the Image of God deeply affects our motive for engagement with the community and the wider culture. There are many reasons why Christians are not equipped with a Biblical Worldview. Email me at if you are interested.

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